
The Best 38 Feng Shui Love Tips Ever.

feng shui love

38 Feng Shui Love tips to improve your Love Life and Romance

Are you having problems getting good dates?

Are you having difficulty getting a Good Relationship with someone that you so desire?

Is the Romance with your partner waning?

Do you want to improve your situation?

This post provides 38 Feng Shui Love tips that you can do yourself to improve Love and Romance in your life.

00 Feng Shui Love


A. Feng Shui Love - The Home

B. Feng Shui Love - To Standout or be Recognised

C. Feng Shui Tips - For Love and Marriage

D. Feng Shui Love - The Bedroom

E. Feng Shui Love – The Bed


feng shui love

A. Feng Shui Love - The Home

These actions are to get rid of the old and enhance the new Energy coming in.

  1. Clear clutter and tidy home.
  1. Remove old images of a single person, old loves & previous relationships.
  1. Clear the pathway to the property. Make sure that the front looks well-presented and inviting. Tidy the garden where applicable.

feng shui love

B. Feng Shui Love - To Standout or be Recognised

This is to enhance the “Recognition” or “Fame” Energy. To help you get known. The Element of the South is Fire.  Red is the enhancing colour. Identify the South Sector of the home using a map or a compass.


  1. Switch on a light in this sector to draw on the complementary fire energy.
  1. Use crystals to attract yang energy to this sector.
  1. Use a red Chinese fan or a picture featuring a red peony flower.
  1. Have real or silk flowers such as red roses.
  1. Decoration – try having pairs as a decoration like candles or people in the images.
  1. Do not have images of single or isolated people and of disasters like shipwrecks.

feng shui love


C. Feng Shui Tips - For Love and Marriage

This is to enhance the Love or Relationship Energy. The Element is Earth and hence the use of Crystals to activate the Love Energy. Identify the South West Sector of your home with a map or compass.


  1. Place Ceramics figurines or statues of couples to increase your popularity.
  1. Place crystals of Rose Quartz in a bowl.

04 Feng Shui Love

  1. Carry a rose quartz heart on your person.
  1. Keep things in pairs, these are Feng Shui symbols to attract love – mandarin ducks, double fish, butterflies or a Chinese Double Happiness Symbol.

05 Feng Shui Love

  1. Ensure that you activate the Love sector of your home, use real or silk flowers such as red roses.

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D. Feng Shui Love - The Bedroom

  1. Do not have an aquarium or basin in your bedroom
  1. Do not have images that show unhappiness, disasters like shipwrecks or the past.
  1. Do not use live plants or flowers in the bedroom (there are exceptions).
  1. Peach Blossom (simplified):
  • To search for a woman, put flowers in a vase on the front right side of the home (indoors) or the right bedside table.
  • To search for a man, put flowers in a vase on the front left side of the home (indoors) or the left bedside table.
  • Use fresh and lovely flowers as this symbolise the type of person you want. (If you want to break off a relationship, use withering or dead flowers).
  • This makes you more attractive to the people you want to meet.

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  1. Remove images of the past; have images of what you want in the future – travel, destinations, homes, a happy couple etc.
  1. Make space for someone special – empty hangers in the closet, space in the bathroom shelves so that a partner in waiting.
  1. Colours – keep the colours light. This gives the impression of a larger room. Avoid colours like black (too yin) or red (too yang). You could have accents of a darker shade.
  1. Focus is on the Bed – Get rid of distractions of electronics like TV, computers, paperwork etc.
  1. Avoid Mirrors. Mirrors are said to improve the “romance” within the bedroom. However, mirrors reflecting the sleeping body disrupt sleep.

08 Feng Shui Love

  1. Decorations: The theme is romance and keep things in pairs – mandarin ducks, double fish, butterflies or the Chinese double happiness sign. Remember, do not over do it as it might become a showroom.
  1. Use of smells in the bedroom. A client who has an interest in aromatherapy made this suggestion to me as she had good results with it. Use the same type of smell of the person and with the room. For example, being natural oils like bergamot or lavender. This creates a sub-conscious link of the person in the room with good times.
  1. Tidy bathroom, get rid of the unnecessary items and clear some space.
  1. Make sure there is privacy in the bedroom. It is your personal space.
  1. Do not forget to open the windows during the day. This is to refresh the Energy in the bedroom.

09 Feng Shui Love

E. Feng Shui Love – The Bed


  1. The focus is on the bed. Distractions are to be minimised.
  1. Clear the clutter, especially under the bed, and tidy these items in drawers, cupboards or boxes.
  1. Get a good solid headboard. The headboard has to be against a solid wall. The wall should have no adjoining windows, or adjacent to bathrooms or kitchens especially the cooking stove.
  1. Equal bedside cabinets and lampshades. With these, there would be space for the person to get out of the bed easily
  1. Freshen up your bedclothes (bed sheets and pillow cases). Preferably get a new set.
  1. The bed has to be positioned comfortably in the room. Also, 2 persons can get out of the bed easily.
  1. Have sufficient pillows for 2 persons with a suitably sized duvet etc.
  1. Add decorations on the bed like cushions. The theme is romance. The colours of red, heart designs or colour, couples, happy images etc.
  1. For more information on how you can improve your Bedroom for a Better Love Life.
  1. For more information on Dating using Feng Shui (A Definitive Guide)

10 Feng Shui Love


Thank you for reading this post. Take one or all of these tips.

They are for your benefit.

I hope you enjoyed it.


Other Blog Posts

18 Top Feng Shui Bedroom Tips for Better Sleep

21 Feng Shui Bedroom Tips

Dating using Feng Shui Love (A Definitive Guide)


2 comments on “The Best 38 Feng Shui Love Tips Ever.”

  1. Hello DR MICHAELOON, It’s actually a great and useful piece of info. I am glad that you shared this useful information with us. Please keep us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Poonam
      Thank you for your kind comments and glad that you find it useful. I will be constantly improving the content with further edits and new posts.

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