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The Main Door in Feng Shui - 6 Important Factors to Consider.


The front or main door in Feng Shui is the most important consideration. It is not only the interface between the exterior environment and the interior of the house. There are several essential factors.

Feng Shui, like all Chinese Metaphysics, is about Energy (Qi). In general, the more significant the energy, the better the benefits for the residents on the property. Naturally, the better the quality, the greater the benefit.

We use the analogy of the human body; the door is like the mouth of the person. The human mouth is the entry point for the nourishment of our bodies. We take an active role as we can select what we want to eat and drink. We can eat healthy food, enough food to survive or dine with gourmet food. We can go to where the food is and select the food. In other words, we can actively choose the nourishment that we can eat and drink.

Read: The Main Door in Feng Shui - 6 Important Factors to Consider.



Staircases in Feng Shui - 4 Important Factors to Consider.

Staircases in Feng Shui - 4 Important Factors to Consider.

The primary purpose of the staircases is to get from one floor to another. It does not matter whether you are going up or down.

With regards to staircases in feng shui, it is the location and design of the staircase that can benefit the residents, but in some cases, it can be a disadvantage.

 Read: Staircases in feng shui - 4 important factors to consider.







Mirrors in feng shui - 15 important factors to get the best results.

Mirrors in Feng Shui - 15 Important Factors to Get the Best Results.

Mirrors in Feng Shui are powerful tools. The mirror gives an image of the object. In other words, it can “double” whatever it reflects. Use it with care.

The mirror can be used to symbolise the doubling the wealth. It is a Chinese tradition to place a mirror to reflect the food on the dining table. Food is a symbol of wealth.

However, a mirror can also double the problem. The WC flushes water away. The moving of water carries away energy and wealth.  A mirror doubling the image of flushing away wealth is not desirable.  Water is a symbol of wealth as well.

Mirrors that are broken, tiles or imperfect give a distorted or unflattering image. This is not good.

Feng Shui mirrors or BaGua mirrors are another Feng Shui tool. These are to ward off evil spirits or negative energy.

Read: Mirrors in feng shui - 15 important factors to get the best results.



 18 Top Feng Shui Bedroom Tips for Better Sleep

feng shui bedroom

The main focus of the bedroom is the bed. The most important aspect is to get your bed in the command position. Most of the work has been sorted if it is in the right position. The other important consideration is the energy coming to the bedroom as well as the decorations.

Read: 18 Top Feng Shui Bedroom Tips for Better Sleep






The Best 38 Feng Shui Love tips (Updated 2022)

feng shui love

38 Feng Shui Love tips to improve your Love Life and Romance

Are you having Problems getting good dates?

Are you having Difficulty getting a Good Relationship with the someone that you so desire?

Is the Romance with your partner waning?

Do you want to improve your situation?

This article provides 38 Feng Shui Love tips that you can do yourself to improve Love and Romance in your life.

Read: The Best 38 Feng Shui Love tips (Updated 2022)



Dating using Feng Shui Love (A Definitive Guide)

feng shui love

Dating in this modern age is difficult.

In fact, in this modern technological age, dating is becoming progressively harder.

An apparent surfeit of potential candidates from the vast range of dating apps and websites.

Unrealistic expectations, especially in this age of Instagram etc.

People are not settling down until later in life – job insecurity, high rents etc.

We hereby present a step-by-step guide to help you overcome these difficulties mentioned by Hayley Quinn.

This provides you with the tools you need – using your own mindset as well as the environment (Feng Shui Love).

Read: Dating using Feng Shui Love (A Definitive Guide)



Improve The Feng Shui Of Your Entrance Hall In 16 Effective Steps

Feng Shui Of Your Entrance Hall

The Entrance Hall is the most significant room on the property. This article is about the 16 practical and effective steps to improve the Feng Shui of your Entrance Hall. The benefit for the residents is to see their quality of life improve resulting from the application of Feng Shui.

A welcoming Entrance Hall not only gives an excellent first impression to visitors and also a lasting impression. The Entrance Hall is essentially a microcosm of the property and the people who reside there.

In Feng Shui, the importance of the Entrance Hall cannot be stressed even more. This is the room where the energy from the environment comes into the property before it is distributed to the other room.

When this Entrance Hall gets plenty of energy, the feng shui improves, and the residents of the property get good fortune.

Read: Improve The Feng Shui Of Your Entrance Hall In 16 Effective Steps



Improve The Feng Shui Of Your Bathroom In 20 Effective Steps

Feng Shui of your Bathroom

Before the 20th Century, it was the outdoor toilet and washroom. It was only the wealthy who could afford "indoor" toilets and a washroom within the property.

Previously, indoor Bathrooms was a luxury, now it is an essential requirement.

Now, all modern properties have bathrooms. Some newly built properties have more bathrooms than bedrooms or more bathrooms than people living on the property. The number of bathrooms has become very important in selling any property.

We want to clean our bodies and refresh ourselves for the start of the day. Also, prepare ourselves for bedtime.

However, Feng Shui does not consider Bathroom a positive area.

This article is about 20 steps to improve the feng shui of the Bathroom.

Read: Improve The Feng Shui Of Your Bathroom In 20 Effective Steps



16 Effective Steps To Improve The Feng Shui Of Your Bedroom

feng shui of your bedroom

The bedroom is the most crucial room in a home for you to prepare for the next day. It provides you with the facilities for your body to have a good rest and recuperate. An auspiciously laid out bedroom brings harmony to the family, who will then enjoy good health, a successful relationship or marital bliss. This is a plan to help you achieve by doing the Feng Shui of your Bedroom

It is imperative that the ambience in this room has more yin energy to make the room restful and induce sound sleep and that no malevolent energy is present. The bedroom must be clean and clear of the clutter that would otherwise cause the flow of energy to stagnate.

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Improve The Feng Shui Of Your Living Room In 16 Effective Steps.

feng shui of your living room

The Feng Shui of your living room is pivotal to the good fortune and harmony of your household.

It is the centre of activity and often a communication hub where family and friends bond and entertain. Therefore, this room of high energy must enjoy good feng shui for the well-being of all concerned.

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16 Effective Steps to Improve the Feng Shui of your Dining Room.

Feng Shui of your Dining Room

The dining room is pivotal to the harmony of the family or people within a household. Hence the need to look at the feng shui of your Dining Room.

An auspiciously oriented dining area is wealth-enhancing and a centre for family bonding. Eating is a social occasion for the Chinese, and food plays a very important part in Chinese culture. It is essential that the family should eat at least one meal a day together to create harmony in the home. Unlike the Western concept of one serving per person, Chinese meals are taken communally with several dishes shared by the diners at the same table.

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Feng Shui of the Open Plan Living Room - An Overview

open plan living room

The open-plan living room is just a combination of all the living areas – the living room, dining room and kitchen. These are due to the changes in lifestyles in the past decades and the subsequent need for space. Also, in the UK, where most of the residential properties were built before the 1950s, the rooms are small so as to save on heating costs. Feng Shui can be used to benefit people in this modern way of living.

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Feng Shui in the Kitchen - An Overview

open plan living room

The Modern Kitchen has evolved from its humble beginnings. It just had a cooker (or stove), a sink for washing and food preparation and a food storage area.

Now it is a sophisticated room with numerous electrical appliances, storage areas and workspace. In many homes, it is the most expensive and well equipped of all the rooms.

As it is an inauspicious room, where energy drains away, there are a number of locations where the kitchen should not be located. Also, there are the elements of the various appliances that clash. Therefore, thought has to be given for the best location of these appliances.

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18 Effective Steps To Improve the Feng Shui of Your Kitchen

Feng Shui of your Kitchen

In feng shui, the kitchen directly relates to wealth and well-being. A nourishing, healthy diet prepared under the right circumstances produces a dynamic individual who in turn produces exceptional work which invites prosperity and so on in an ever-reinforcing positive sheng Energy cycle.

This article provides 18 effective tips to improve the Feng Shui of your Kitchen.

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Feng Shui in the Dining Room – An Overview


The Dining Room in the house, unlike the Living Room, has only one main purpose. It is there for the family to eat and make better relationships for family harmony better.  It is also a place for guests to join the family for a meal.

When you incorporate Feng Shui in the features of the room, you are getting additional benefits in the various lucks in your life. This is a useful but hidden feature.

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Living Room Feng Shui - An Overview

living room

The Living Room in the house is not only the largest but has to be the most versatile room. It has to carry out many functions from receiving guests to a place where everybody relaxes.

When you incorporate Feng Shui in the features of the room, you are getting additional benefits in the various lucks in your life. This is a useful but hidden feature.

The location of the room influences the outlook of the family. They can be extrospective, where they look outwards in their lives or introspective, gazing at themselves.

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Feng Shui for Bedroom (An Overview)

  1. Feng Shui is about using the environment to improve your life.

2. The bedroom is the ideal place – you spend at least 8 hours a day in rest.

3. This is the ideal opportunity to get the improvements from the environment.

4. What do you need? With a good sleep, your body is rested and you are prepared for the next day.

5. However, if you do not have a good sleep, you do not wake up refreshed – changes in your mood, not able to go through the day smoothly, lack of good sleep can affect your health and your relationships.

6. Lighting. The lighting in the bedroom has to fit a number of different requirements. Hence, it is better that there is a dimmer so that this can be carried out.

7. Some Rules for the application of Feng Shui – Do’s and Don’ts

8. Feng Shui is about balance. You should not go for very dark colours – black (too yin) or too bright - like red (too yang). The amount of decoration should be reasonable. It is not going to be a showroom. It is your private room.

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The Application of Feng Shui to Various Rooms


This section covers the application of feng shui to the various rooms


Living Room

Dining Room

Open Plan Living Room

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