
The Thousand-Year Calendar - the sophisticated one?

mast head timeliness

This calendar is the backbone of the study of the time dimension of Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics. The document is a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Each page is jam-packed with valuable information necessary to the serious practitioner.

We have the 60-year calendar described above. The thousand-year calendar has the elements for months, days, hours together with other related information on the LoShu movement against time.

For the month, there is the 60-month cycle. Likewise, there is a 60-day cycle. For the hour, there is a separate method to work out the combinations for the hour.

Let me go through a page in the thousand-year calendar.

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  1. 2022 - the solar year or of the Gregorian Calendar
  2. (5) – this is the centre number of the Lo Shu Square for the year
  3. Geng Yin – this the combination for the year – Yang Metal Tiger
  4. The year of the Tiger
  5. Geng Yin – the combination for the month – Yang Metal Tiger
  6. 2 – the central number for the Lo Shu Square for the month
  7. The start time for the new month in hours and minutes
  8. The date 2 (February) 4, zi wu – element of the day, black – the start of the month.

4th Feb 2022 is the start of the New Year (solar calendar)

The Lunar calendar is used by the Chinese population for festivals. The 1000 year calendar, which is based on the Solar Calendar, is used for the calculation of time in Chinese Metaphysics.

An Introduction to Chinese Calendar and related systems


The Chinese Calendar: A brief history and interesting facts


The 60-year Calendar – the original one?


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