What is the Rationale behind Feng Shui in China?
Dr. Michael Oon
Feng Shui and the environment has been part of Chinese Culture for more than 4,000 years. It is through observation and study of the patterns of how the environment influences man. An example of an environmental influence is the four seasons that occur in a yearly cycle. It would be extremely helpful to know the date when to start planting the crops—likewise, the date to start the harvest.
Historically, during specific periods in the history of China, there were times of feuding states. States that used feng shui were more prosperous. Hence, they were able to afford larger armies that could win battles.
Eventually, the Chinese 1st Emperor, Shi Huang Di, united or conquered the rival states to form China. He led the most prosperous and warlike state.
From there on, feng shui appears to be the standard procedure for success. Feng shui has been used for 4,000 years in China.