
Michael Oon – The Feng Shui Consultant

Dr Michael Oon has been consulting since the 1990s in the UK and many parts of the world.

Lineage Master Shyan Tseng (Alliance Feng Shui) in Traditional Feng Shui invited me to join a training programme. This was to create a team to work on major projects.

My aim was to be Dr Michael Oon - The Feng Shui Consultant.

As a boy in Singapore, I noticed significant changes to the road system soon after Singapore gained independence in 1965. This was because of feng shui. I also learnt that the Chinese are very protective of their knowledge, but how do they pass on their “vital trade secrets”?

But yet, the Chinese have retained their skills over the centuries. The Chinese have lineage societies where the vital practice knowledge is passed down from one generation to the next. They pass on their secrets to people who they can trust.

When feng shui arrived in the West in the 1990s, the feng shui was distinctly different from my experience in Singapore. In the West, it is about formulae and interiors. My understanding of Chinese metaphysics, which includes feng shui, it is all about the flow of the energy in the whole environment. It is holistic. It is the Chinese belief that Energy (Qi) brings life.

I was invited to be an indoor student with a Lineage Master looking to pass on practice knowledge to the next generation (Alliance Feng Shui). This was to develop a team to work on large projects in various parts of the world.

I have worked in over 1,000 jobs not only in the UK but in Europe, the Middle East, North America and South-East Asia.

Projects ranging from the smallest of apartments (in South East Asia) to manor houses to the design of shopping centres and cities.

This has given me the confidence to do any job with the utmost assurance of attaining the feng shui targets.

Why a Professional Consultant?

Should you think of the option of doing feng shui yourself or as a group, do consider this. The amount of information you get from books or short courses is from the textbook. They are from “idealised situations”. Feng Shui is about you in your house. This is unique – a one-off.

The internal arrangements in the house and your family make it a one-off. Thus, it is highly unlikely that your requirements will be in the published information.

Secondly, feng shui is holistic. It is taking the whole property as one unit. Therefore, a change in one part will affect another part directly or indirectly. There can be severe unforeseen untoward consequences from the well-intentional changes.

I have practice experience of more than 20 years. I know what works and avoid what is too risky. I know, from experience, that if implemented, it can cause problems.

Why Dr Michael Oon?

I was brought up in Singapore of Chinese descent. Feng shui, like all Chinese metaphysics, is all about Energy (Qi). It is the handling of the energy flow. I have been trained in Traditional Feng Shui, and we handle the energy flow just like the Feng Shui Masters of old. They were artisans and their skills were in the handling of energy in the environment. They were not literate and did not use formulae. A formula is a representation map of the Energy (Qi). Indeed, it is better to work directly with the Energy (Qi) than a representation map?

I specialise in the practice of Feng Shui. This allows me to delve deeper into the subject. This enhances the effectiveness of the subject for the benefit of my clients. I do not do Astrology or interior design etc. However, I have team members I can draw on their services for assistance.

My interests are in Feng Shui and how it can help my clients. I spend my time expanding my knowledge and sharpening my observational skills. I spend many hours looking on Google earth and related topographical maps to seek points of interest.

Also, I travel to many places and work out the energy flow and correlate this to business success

I listen to the wants and requirements of my clients and help them solve their problems.

I value Integrity and ethics. This mindset is from my previous job as a Forensic Scientist at the Metropolitan Police Laboratory (London).

I am also accountable to lineage society – Alliance Feng Shui. This Society has a policy of keeping the names of our clients confidential.

What differentiates Dr Michael Oon, The Feng Shui Consultants from other consultants?

I am the only proper lineage feng shui consultant practising energy flow in the UK.

So, what is lineage and its importance to Chinese Culture?

A Lineage Society is like a trade body of professionals or artisans who have a common heritage. They share the same practice knowledge, ethics and standards.

This practice knowledge is not shared with others outside other than when they are preparing the next generation of members. Potential members are selected based on the rules of the Lineage Society. The knowledge is to be used for the benefit of clients, not for themselves or for evil purposes. Students are never chosen on the basis of the monies.

The training is rigorous and lasts more than 10 years.

It consists of
theory classes,
supervised practicals,
daily homework,
visits to other countries – feng shui sites or significant buildings/cities,
internships and work experience (part of an operational team).
The practice knowledge that has been handed down has been established by earlier generations of Feng Shui Masters. This knowledge has been proven to work over the centuries. The current linage holder is passing on the updated versions of this practice knowledge (Alliance Feng Shui).

The methods involve the handling of energy flow – this is the basic tenet of Chinese Metaphysics. Special skills are developed to understand the energy flow and “visualise” this flow for feedback.

The Chinese have used this lineage system to keep this valuable practice knowledge for the past millennia. They have passed on this methodology from one generation to the next continually.


A feng shui consultant is an artisan. The skill is handling energy flow to create properties with good feng shui characteristics. This is the equivalent of training an artisan. Training is by practice with work experience.

Also, this is the training system used by many modern establishments and professions in the world. You cannot be trained in a practical skill in the classroom—for example – bricklaying or driving a car. Feng Shui is a practical subject.

The selection is similar to the selection procedure of universities and major corporate employers. Not everybody can join. You have to fit the criteria that they have determined.

The mindset of the members is to do good work for the benefit of the client and Society and not for yourself.

The names of clients are kept confidential. This is opposite to the current trend where names of past clients are highlighted to show credibility.

The students are being trained and closely supervised by an experienced feng shui consultant, an expert in the field.

The Differences.

This is very different from other feng shui schools. In most schools, feng shui is taught in the classroom, usually in feng shui formulae. They are led by teachers and not experienced practitioners of the craft.

Selection of students based on fees paid and not on potential ability. In some schools, the focus is on sales rather than on producing students who will be good practitioners

Michael Oon – My Aims

My focus is on getting the best Outcome for My Clients.

I have searched and mastered the best available tools to carry out the tasks. These are the original Feng Shui methods which the Sages and Masters have been practising for centuries. Access to this knowledge is restricted. This is Traditional Feng Shui.

My secondary aim is to publicise the true values and benefits of Traditional Feng Shui to the discerning readers and users of feng shui.
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