
The He Tu combinations and 4 Auspicious Sets for Feng Shui.

The He Tu Combinations

It is said that these He Tu combinations of numbers are derived from the two rivers – Luo and the Hwang Ho (Yellow River).


The image above has interpreted the numbers to the He Tu Combinations image above.


This can be simplified – Commonly known as the He Tu Combinations Diagram.


The He Tu Combinations


The Relationship of the He Tu and the Lo Shu Square.


You can see these combinations in the Lo Shu Square


012 Lo Shu square colour


The combination of numbers in the Lo Shu Square:


The Subtraction of Numbers:


The He Tu Combinations


The larger number subtracts, the smaller number is always 5

Blueline: 6 - 1 = 5

Greenline: 8 - 3 = 5

Redline: 9 - 4 = 5

Yellow line: 7 - 2 = 5

These combinations of numbers are frequently used in the application of Feng Shui.


The Addition of Numbers:


021 hetu corrected


If you add up the even numbers and the clockwise sequence –

2 + 4 + 6 + 8 = 20

1 + 3 + 7 + 9 = 20

Note that 5 in the centre is excluded.


The He Tu Combinations and Compass Directions

When the Lo Shu is combined with the Pa Kua to form the Pa Kua-Lo Shu

The numbers acquire the properties of a compass direction


013 lo shu and directions
The Lo Shu square and compass directions


Therefore, the following He Tu combinations are auspicious:

  • 1, 6 North and Northwest
  • 2, 7 West and Southwest
  • 4 9 Southeast and South
  • 3, 8 East and Northeast

It can also be presented in the table below:

Numbers Compass Direction Element
1 & 6 North Water (blue)
2 & 7 South Fire (red)
3 & 8 East Wood (green)
4 & 9 West Metal (yellow)


The Interrelationship with the Lo Shu Square

The He Tu combinations are intrinsically linked to the Lo Shu square.

For more information on the Lo Shu Square, this article will provide further information.


About the Author:

This article was written by Dr Michael Oon, who practises Traditional Feng Shui and is a member of Alliance Feng Shui.

Traditional Feng Shui is the practice of proven methods of Feng Shui that have been established over the centuries. The practice knowledge is handed from the Master to selected students or the Chinese expression – disciple. This is usually done over 10 years in practicals and work experience within a lineage society.

Michael was born and brought up in Singapore. He completed his university education in the UK and worked as a Forensic Scientist in London. He visits family, relations and his feng shui family in Singapore regularly.


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