
How long will the Prosperity of Bournemouth last? A Feng Shui Analysis.


Bournemouth is a provincial town in the Dorset on England’s South Coast. Like Brighton, it is a thriving and prosperous town on England’s South Coast. It has a small but important financial centre. It is the Head Office of  LV insurance and offices of JP Morgan and Nationwide Building Society.

The point is, Bournemouth has been relatively affluent for a long time, whereas the other towns on the English south coast have severe economic issues.

Why is it so?


Based on the topography of the area surrounding Bournemouth

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Topographic map of Bournemouth. The Redline shows the line of the hills surrounding Bournemouth. These hills help to hold the energy that comes into Bournemouth. The energy gaps are the train tracks and marked – Northeast, Northwest and West.


Bournemouth receives energy from the Northwest and West. These energies are ideal for the establishment of a Financial Centre.

Many coastal towns of England require regeneration, or they are doing poorly. However,  Bournemouth has prospered since the middle of the 20th Century.

Why is this so?

Feng Shui Analysis

Bournemouth – in a relatively flat piece of land, and energy comes from a number of directions through the energy gaps.

The 180-year cycle comprises nine 20 year cycles. Each cycle is known as a Period. Each Period has predominant energy coming from a particular direction.

Bournemouth receives auspicious energies from the various compass directions. In this case, Northwest, West and Northeast. The energies move with the railway lines through the surrounding hills which act as energy gaps. It is at certain times, known as Periods, that these energies have auspicious properties.

Northwest - 1964 to 1984 (Period 6)

West - 1984 to 2004 (Period 7),

Northeast - 2004 to 2024 (Period 8).

The hills surrounding Bournemouth are marked with a red line. The hills surrounding the Town help retain the energy that comes in.

Will this prosperity continue?

In period 9 (2024-2044), the auspicious energy comes from the South. In the forthcoming repeat of the major cycle, Period 1 (2044 – 2064), the energy comes from the North.

Bournemouth prosperity should continue till about 2070, a couple of generations away.

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