
Feng Shui Consultation - Live vs Remote

For many centuries, the established way to carry out a Feng Shui Consultation has been for the Feng Shui Consultant to visit the site personally. The Consultant analyses the property and the site, discusses the situation with the client at the site and makes recommendations.

However, with the changes in technology, such as the Internet, video, and Zoom, these techniques are available for the Consultant to use for a remote Feng Shui Consultation.


The purpose of Feng Shui is to improve the lives of people who use the property.

It is about the results achieved by making the changes to the property.


It is not about the

  • The size of your Lopan and the number of rings
  • The formula you know or worked with
  • Who is the Master that you trained you?



It is about results to help the people.


This article is about whether the facilities using new technology provide a better alternative to the standard live Feng Shui Consultation.


  1. The Established Method - Live Feng Shui Consultation

The Feng Shui Consultant visits the site and takes the time to understand the property and how the building fits into its environment.

The Consultant takes the compass directions, understands where the energy comes from and identifies the leakages.

The Feng Shui Consultant can then discuss the issues with the client and suggest remedies.

Advantage: The Consultant is at the site and can have an actual feel of the property.

Disadvantage: The cost of travel and employing the Consultant.

Benefits: This is how Feng Shui has been carried out over the centuries and proven to work.


        2. Remote Feng Shui Consultation 

              a.  Use of Floor plan:

Remote consultations are ideal for practitioners using formulae like Flying Star. They can provide a natal chart based on the exact compass direction of the facing direction of the property or the front door.


Cost: There is no need for the Consultant to be present. The Consultant provides the natal chart.


  • The client does not usually fully understand the relevance and interpretation of the provided natal chart.
  • The client has to provide an exact compass direction of the facing of the property. It is challenging to get this measure measurement correct as numerous variables can alter the compass reading slightly, like metal, magnets, mobile phones, etc.



        3. Telephone or Zoom call.


This is a two-way interaction between the client and the Consultant. The client describes the property to the Consultant. The information provided by the client might not be what the Consultant wants or needs to know. It might need more essential details of relevant bits.

Advantage: Cost saving

Disadvantage: Not all relevant information is discussed, which could give the Consultant a false picture of the property.



Case Studies:

Case Study 1

On the phone.

The client described the property. It is in front of a T junction with a cul-de-sac directly in front of the property.

However, the family's financial situation was satisfactory. This was a contradiction. Not all the information was given or interpreted appropriately.


Live consultation

I visited the property.

Feng Shui consultation - Live or Remote
Open Cul-De-Sac in front of property

The road in front of the property is not a proper cul-de-sac. It is connected to a large green field from which the energy comes.

This is an example where the physical presence of the Consultant can clearly explain the situation.


Online consultation:

The client had an online consultation. The Consultant had just sent my client a natal chart based on the floor plan, period age of the property, and the exact direction of the front door.

The interpretation did not match the actual house that my client lived in.



Case Study 2.

On the Phone:

I had a confused picture of the property. It was on the side of a hill with a driveway passing the front of the property. The driveway went both uphill and downhill.

I did not understand the position of the main door.

The client also described the main road passing by the side of the house and how it was connected to the driveway.

Feng Shui Consultation - Live or Remote
Sketch of Drive Way in front of the property


Live Feng Shui Consultation:

Once I was at the site, I understood the property's layout.

The main road outside the property goes uphill.

The driveway, which turns off the main road, initially goes uphill, then downwards past the house.

The house is by the driveway. The main door is at right angles to the front or facing of the house.


Online Feng Shui Consultations:

Both these consultations were carried out before I was involved.

Consultation 1.

The Consultant used the direction of the main door and produced a natal chart using the Flying Star formula.

The client could not relate to the chart and the property. In other words, she did not understand the chart and the Consultant’s interpretations.


Consultation 2

The Consultant asked for directions to the property's facing or front. From there, the Consultant produced a natal chart.

This natal chart differed from the first Consultant's, and the client was even more confused.

So, the client arranged for me to visit the property.



The Purpose of a Feng Shui Consultation.

To improve the living conditions of the person on the property.

To solve problems relating to wealth, relationships and health.

It helps people achieve their goals quicker and more efficiently.

You want the Consultant’s recommendation to be right the first time.


The ideal Consultant gives you a suitable recommendation to get the results first. The cost to carry out the recommendations should be reasonable and not excessive.

The worst type of Consultant gives you the wrong advice. Also with the very expensive recommendations. Even worse, if the expensive recommendations are his products.


My aim as a Feng Shui consultant is to help people. I aim to get it right the first time. I have made a great effort to prepare to be a credible Feng Shui Consultant. I am incredibly fortunate to be selected to be trained by a lineage and highly successful Feng Shui practitioner. I use my Master’s established methods that have been proven over time.

My fees might be reasonable for the value for the results that i deliver when the recommendations are followed thoroughly. The recommendations are based on the client’s situation.

Other Feng Shui consultants follow a very different business model. They charge a low fee, but the Consultant recommends his products, which can be a considerable expense. More importantly, does the Consultant get the analysis right? Is the Consultant more interested in being a salesperson?

A wrong analysis can be painful for both the person and the wallet.

It is best to get it right the first time. It is easier on the person and the wallet. Watch for the benefits.



Summary: An analytical comparison – advantages and disadvantages between the Remote and Live Feng Shui Consultation.

Remote Feng Shui Consultations are less costly for the client. But do they give better results or greater benefits?

The whole purpose of a Feng Shui consultation is for the client to benefit from accurate or realistic site analysis and get actionable and reasonable recommendations.  

A cheaper and inappropriate feng shui consultation would cost more over a longer period in terms of wasted time, higher costs, and lost opportunities.


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