Feng Shui Consultation

Dr. Michael Oon
Dr Michael Oon has been a Feng Shui consultant since the early 1990's. Discover how he can transform your surroundings - and your life.
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What is the Expectation of Feng Shui?
The main benefit of using feng shui is to meet “peace of mind”, or living in harmony with the environment and people. It is about balance in one’s life.
So, how does Feng Shui achieve this?
Feng Shui involves the balance of the energies – wealth, health and relationships.
Like all methods in Chinese Metaphysics, Feng Shui is the management of Energy (Qi).
I use the established methods of Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. These have been proven in use over the centuries in China and South East Asia – residential, business and Governments. Traditional Chinese Feng Shui is used in many corporations in the UK, Europe, and North America in the 20th and 21st Centuries.
So, how does Feng Shui achieve this?
Feng Shui involves the balance of the energies – wealth, health and relationships.
Like all methods in Chinese Metaphysics, Feng Shui is the management of Energy (Qi).
I use the established methods of Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. These have been proven in use over the centuries in China and South East Asia – residential, business and Governments. Traditional Chinese Feng Shui is used in many corporations in the UK, Europe, and North America in the 20th and 21st Centuries.
Why use Feng Shui consultants when I can do it myself?
Feng Shui Consultants have years of training in the relevant knowledge and have years of cumulative experience.
When an unsupervised newbie starts with the practice of feng shui, the actions of feng shui are not tangible. Thus, they would not know whether their actions are correct or not. So, mistakes do not appear immediately, and problems could arise later.
A newbie can learn the basics of feng shui from books or a short course. But, feng shui is much more than the basics of yin/yang; Pakua, Eight Mansions and Flying Star formulae. It is holistic. Changes in one place affect another. A change can take place with a delay or unexpected location.
Then there are the Afflictions (Shar Qi) (physical and virtual), compass and timeliness to consider.
A reputable professional consultant would have years of experience and encountered most of the issues occurring in these properties.
It is cheaper, easier, and more efficient to hire a Professional Consultant in the long run. It not only saves you money but also your precious time.
When an unsupervised newbie starts with the practice of feng shui, the actions of feng shui are not tangible. Thus, they would not know whether their actions are correct or not. So, mistakes do not appear immediately, and problems could arise later.
A newbie can learn the basics of feng shui from books or a short course. But, feng shui is much more than the basics of yin/yang; Pakua, Eight Mansions and Flying Star formulae. It is holistic. Changes in one place affect another. A change can take place with a delay or unexpected location.
Then there are the Afflictions (Shar Qi) (physical and virtual), compass and timeliness to consider.
A reputable professional consultant would have years of experience and encountered most of the issues occurring in these properties.
It is cheaper, easier, and more efficient to hire a Professional Consultant in the long run. It not only saves you money but also your precious time.
Why a Feng Shui consultation?
Feng Shui is a proven method to help you achieve your goals faster and easier. It is the only established method that uses the environment to do this. The other benefit of the correct implementation of feng shui is achieving “peace of mind” or living in harmony with people and the surrounding environment.
My aim, always, when carrying out the consultation, is to get the best outcome for my client from the available facilities. Therefore, it is for me to do my best.
Feng Shui is used as a supplementary technique for personal development and putting the effort in.
My aim, always, when carrying out the consultation, is to get the best outcome for my client from the available facilities. Therefore, it is for me to do my best.
Feng Shui is used as a supplementary technique for personal development and putting the effort in.
The Secret Methods
It always has my aim to focus on the outcome for my clients. So, I researched and trained in what is termed “secret” methods. These methods are hard to find, but the Masters are selective in whom they train.
These lineage methods involve managing the principle of Chinese Metaphysics – Energy. The training lasts ten years under close supervision to ensure that students are faithfully carrying out the proven procedures with relevant skills.
I was brought up in Singapore and saw how the Government use these “secret” methods to transform the layout of the City Centre and the island. It was holistic and not about the interiors.
The Singapore Government continues to use the original methods of Feng Shui, which I have called “Traditional Chinese Feng Shui”. These are the methods that I trained and use today.
The application of Effective Feng Shui is more than using the appropriate formula and assigning the various types of energy in different parts of the property. The energy source has to be identified in the external environments. This energy has to be brought into the property. It is not generated within the property.
The Chinese civilisation is 4,000 years old, and the body of knowledge relating to its culture is enormous. Chinese Metaphysics, the body of knowledge encompassing Feng Shui, is equally huge. Related methodologies accompany this large body of knowledge.
It is incongruous to use a simple formula that can be learned in 1 hour or moving furniture or placing symbols or images. Feng Shui is holistic and considers the person the centre of the whole environment.
These lineage methods involve managing the principle of Chinese Metaphysics – Energy. The training lasts ten years under close supervision to ensure that students are faithfully carrying out the proven procedures with relevant skills.
I was brought up in Singapore and saw how the Government use these “secret” methods to transform the layout of the City Centre and the island. It was holistic and not about the interiors.
The Singapore Government continues to use the original methods of Feng Shui, which I have called “Traditional Chinese Feng Shui”. These are the methods that I trained and use today.
The application of Effective Feng Shui is more than using the appropriate formula and assigning the various types of energy in different parts of the property. The energy source has to be identified in the external environments. This energy has to be brought into the property. It is not generated within the property.
The Chinese civilisation is 4,000 years old, and the body of knowledge relating to its culture is enormous. Chinese Metaphysics, the body of knowledge encompassing Feng Shui, is equally huge. Related methodologies accompany this large body of knowledge.
It is incongruous to use a simple formula that can be learned in 1 hour or moving furniture or placing symbols or images. Feng Shui is holistic and considers the person the centre of the whole environment.
The Four Main Factors
There are four main factors that contribute to the effectiveness of a feng shui consultation of the property.
1. There must be Energy or Qi.
This energy flows in the outside environment.
The exterior energy flows are to be identified.
Channels for this energy to flow into the compound of the property are to be prepared.
Energy (Qi) is the lifeblood of all Chinese Metaphysics. Thus, when there is no Energy (Qi), there is no life.
2. The property is to contain the energy acquired from the outside environment.
There has to be a channel for the energy to flow to the main door of the property.
The main door must be in the appropriate location and direction to receive this energy.
The compass direction determines the characteristics of the property.
The energy enters the property. The internal layout determines the distribution of the energy.
The property is to hold the energy and minimise any leakages of this energy to the exterior.
3. The people within the property
The people have to be compatible with the property.
The people have to be compatible with each other.
The attitude of the people has to be in agreement with the aims or purpose of the consultation.
4. Timeliness
There are many time cycles – 180 years, 20-year cycle, yearly cycle, a monthly cycle. It depends on where you are in the cycle and what is appropriate.
There is no such thing as permanent. It is only suitable for a defined period—everything changes.
The Secret to the Success (of the implementation of Feng Shui).
This has been shown time and time again. The significant influence in the Success of Feng Shui is the involvement of the people. So, they have to be motivated and focused.
I know I can roll out countless stories of people achieving their goals faster and easier. So, I thought that I would give you something different. This is a story of a couple desperate to get out of their predicament that was a false accusation. It involved years of struggle.
1. A couple has been trying to sell the house and move to Spain for their retirement. They lived in a quiet neighbourhood and the husband had been accused of sexual molestation in school.
They worked to restore his confidence. They had help from the church, social workers, friends and “self-help books” in their personal development for several years.
Their house had been on the market, and they had been continually lowering the price for a sale. They had to stop the sale as the estate agent said it gave the impression of desperation. (It was!)
I was called in and made several recommendations.
1. To allow energy from a particular compass direction into the property.
2. Put the house on the unofficial listing of the estate agent at a ridiculously high price. Something that the estate agent would only fantasise but never dare suggest to the client.
They carried out my recommendations. The house was sold the next day at the ridiculous asking price.
The point, in this case, is that when the desire is there, feng shui is a potent tool to help achieve the goal.
Why is this so? – The Trinity of Luck or Cosmic Trinity
The examples below show that when the person is unwilling to change their ways, no resulting change will happen. These are the parameters that feng shui operates on. The way to Success is the necessary mindset or focus of the aim for feng shui changes to take place. Feng Shui propels the movement to Success even faster.
I know I can roll out countless stories of people achieving their goals faster and easier. So, I thought that I would give you something different. This is a story of a couple desperate to get out of their predicament that was a false accusation. It involved years of struggle.
1. A couple has been trying to sell the house and move to Spain for their retirement. They lived in a quiet neighbourhood and the husband had been accused of sexual molestation in school.
They worked to restore his confidence. They had help from the church, social workers, friends and “self-help books” in their personal development for several years.
Their house had been on the market, and they had been continually lowering the price for a sale. They had to stop the sale as the estate agent said it gave the impression of desperation. (It was!)
I was called in and made several recommendations.
1. To allow energy from a particular compass direction into the property.
2. Put the house on the unofficial listing of the estate agent at a ridiculously high price. Something that the estate agent would only fantasise but never dare suggest to the client.
They carried out my recommendations. The house was sold the next day at the ridiculous asking price.
The point, in this case, is that when the desire is there, feng shui is a potent tool to help achieve the goal.
Why is this so? – The Trinity of Luck or Cosmic Trinity
The examples below show that when the person is unwilling to change their ways, no resulting change will happen. These are the parameters that feng shui operates on. The way to Success is the necessary mindset or focus of the aim for feng shui changes to take place. Feng Shui propels the movement to Success even faster.
These are stories from past consultations:
1. Wealth: A session musician, who had fame in his younger years, would lounge around all day in the house and recall his years of celebrity. He would not do anything about his life. His wife, wanting to get him off his bottom, called me.
In the consultation, he said he would carry out all the physical feng shui changes but would not change his lifestyle and mindset a bit.
We did not hear from them, but I would not expect any changes.
2. Relationships: A filial daughter invited me to come for a consultation at her mother’s house, to improve her relationships. The mother had fallen out badly with the neighbours, which could be a feng shui issue.
When we were there, we heard that she did not get on with her neighbours for the most trivial reasons. She had broken up with friends and relatives and had nobody to speak to her other than her daughter.
I found that she was looking for an argument, whatever the situation.
Her “true colours” did not appear to show until near the end of the consultation.
The problem, in this case, was the person, and there was little that the environment could do to make the change.
The point is that the person is the most critical influence in the Success of Feng Shui. More information on this is in the Trinity of Luck.
In the consultation, he said he would carry out all the physical feng shui changes but would not change his lifestyle and mindset a bit.
We did not hear from them, but I would not expect any changes.
2. Relationships: A filial daughter invited me to come for a consultation at her mother’s house, to improve her relationships. The mother had fallen out badly with the neighbours, which could be a feng shui issue.
When we were there, we heard that she did not get on with her neighbours for the most trivial reasons. She had broken up with friends and relatives and had nobody to speak to her other than her daughter.
I found that she was looking for an argument, whatever the situation.
Her “true colours” did not appear to show until near the end of the consultation.
The problem, in this case, was the person, and there was little that the environment could do to make the change.
The point is that the person is the most critical influence in the Success of Feng Shui. More information on this is in the Trinity of Luck.
The Preparation of the Feng Shui Consultation:
1. The Discovery Session
Aim: your purpose for the feng shui consultation – your aims and objectives
Your property – I will need your postal address. This is to check the property on Google Earth and other software.
The source of energies?
Can Feng Shui assist you?
Are your objectives realistic using feng shui?
Can your property get the energy from the surrounding environment?
2. Before visiting –
I need the date of birth of the people.
A floor plan, and when did you move into the property?
3. The visit:
The aim of the feng shui consultation is:
a. Identify the source of Energy (Qi) in the surrounding areas
b. Find a “path” for the Energy (Qi) to flow to a suitable entrance
c. Ensure that there is an entrance that will accept the energy flow. Hence the importance of the Main Door.
d. With the Energy (Qi) inside the property, can the Energy (Qi) be distributed to various parts of the property?
e. Identify routes where Energy (Qi) can be lost.
I recommend changes that are usually about the positions. This is to allow the energy to flow easier or block energy flow. Also, to get the energy flow to where it matters.
Also, the compass direction for the residents.
Aim: your purpose for the feng shui consultation – your aims and objectives
Your property – I will need your postal address. This is to check the property on Google Earth and other software.
The source of energies?
Can Feng Shui assist you?
Are your objectives realistic using feng shui?
Can your property get the energy from the surrounding environment?
2. Before visiting –
I need the date of birth of the people.
A floor plan, and when did you move into the property?
3. The visit:
The aim of the feng shui consultation is:
a. Identify the source of Energy (Qi) in the surrounding areas
b. Find a “path” for the Energy (Qi) to flow to a suitable entrance
c. Ensure that there is an entrance that will accept the energy flow. Hence the importance of the Main Door.
d. With the Energy (Qi) inside the property, can the Energy (Qi) be distributed to various parts of the property?
e. Identify routes where Energy (Qi) can be lost.
I recommend changes that are usually about the positions. This is to allow the energy to flow easier or block energy flow. Also, to get the energy flow to where it matters.
Also, the compass direction for the residents.
A walk around to confirm initial observations in the exterior, particularly – the source of the energy and flow of the energy to the entrance.
Confirmation of initial discussion – aims, objectives etc
Residential: Tour of property with particular attention to doors, entrance hall, kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms and garden.
Recommendations: It is a discussion of the suggested remedies,
No Chinese symbols, no interior decoration or colour coordination, knocking of walls or re-hanging of doors or the growing of conifer trees.
I concentrate on the positives and what is available. I do not consider the negatives or what is missing. I work on what there is. Just make improvements.
The recommendations are practical, effective, and straightforward to implement, which are in keeping with the décor and personality of the property.
Confirmation of initial discussion – aims, objectives etc
Residential: Tour of property with particular attention to doors, entrance hall, kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms and garden.
Recommendations: It is a discussion of the suggested remedies,
No Chinese symbols, no interior decoration or colour coordination, knocking of walls or re-hanging of doors or the growing of conifer trees.
I concentrate on the positives and what is available. I do not consider the negatives or what is missing. I work on what there is. Just make improvements.
The recommendations are practical, effective, and straightforward to implement, which are in keeping with the décor and personality of the property.
Business and Commercial
There is such a wide variety that the changes depend on the situation.
I am available for questions on the feng shui consultation.