
Feng Shui Bedroom Mirrors


There has been quite a discussion in Feng Shui on the use of mirrors in the bedroom. I thought that I would post my opinion on this.

There are 2 topics.

  • Normal reflective mirrors
  • Feng Shui Mirrors or Bagua mirrors

Normal Reflection Mirrors

In the bedroom, these mirrors are used check on the face for make up or other facial requirements. The other is a full body length mirror to check on the clothes on the person.

In Feng Shui, a mirror must not reflect the sleeping body. When there is a reflection, there can be a disruption to the person’s sleep. Many people find that when sleep is disrupted, it is difficult to get back to sleep. As a result, the person could spend a long time trying to get back to sleep. This deprives the person of their normal quota of sleeping time. The effects of the sleep deprivation will be felt on the following day.

These are the ways to stop the mirror reflecting the sleeping body.

  • Remove the mirror from the bedroom.
  • Tilt the mirror so that it does not reflect the sleeping body
  • If it is not possible to do the above, just cover the mirror with a cloth or a large mirror with a curtain.

Feng Shui Mirrors

Bagua mirror r 1

Image of Feng Shui Mirror

It is reputed that a feng shui mirror can ward off evil spirts. The alleged “power” of this mirror is because of the trigrams are in the “early heaven sequence” on the outside of the mirror.

This sequence of trigrams is considered yin. In this case, the spiritual world. We live in a “yang” world and this trigram sequence (early heaven) should not be exhibited within a house or a bedroom. I have seen it happen and it is one of the fastest way to encounter bad luck.




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