
Traditional Feng Shui The Energy to Feed the Building

Food on the table for for the body

An analogy of feeding the human body and a building.

The human body requires food.

A building is the same; it requires Energy (or Qi) for the well-being of the people within the building.

Many people think that Feng Shui is a formula or that the information can be applied from a book. They have been led to believe it is a static system.


The subject is more complex than that. It is a dynamic system, just like the human body.

Every property is analogous to a human body; it has to be fed with the right “nutrients” so that the people in the property will do well.

The proper nutrients, in this case, are Energy or Qi. I will use the term Energy in this article.

This article describes the similarities in feeding the human body and applying the methods of Traditional Feng Shui.


The Basic Requirements

The Human Body:

  1. For the body to survive, the minimum requirement it requires is just energy. It can be in any form of food so the body can carry out its essential functions.
  2. After the energy requirement, the next step is the type of food the body needs. This includes the three categories - protein, fat and carbohydrate.
  3. Then, it is the quality of the food that is taken. Is it the cheapest type from the factory or processed types, or is it of the highest quality, like natural or organic foods?

Feeding the building - Traditional Feng Shui The Energy to feed the Building


  1. For the building to be “healthy”, it requires a minimum quantity of energy from the environment.
  2. After that comes the quality of energy, the energy coming from various compass directions has different properties.


For example, in current period 9 (2024 -2044), the most potent energy comes from the South. Therefore, energy from the South that enters the building benefits the people living on the property the most.


The Physical Structure

The Human Body:

  1. The body's physical condition must be in good shape – it has to eat or drink the nutrients through the mouth, get digested in the stomach and other processes in associated organs.
  2. After digestion, the nutrients are passed into the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body.
  3. The waste material from the organs is collected by the circulating blood, processed by the liver and kidneys, and excreted.

Feeding the Building with Energy


  1. The building needs an entrance for the energy to enter the property. Hence, the main entrance or the other entrances are essential.
  2. The internal layout of the building has to be structured so that the energy can flow easily to the different parts of the building and settle to benefit the people within the property.


Specific Requirements:


The Human Body

  1. Different people have different requirements.
  2. People with different jobs or ages have other priorities in their bodies.
  3. An athlete would treat muscle development as very important. They would have developed their muscles and mindset training to perform their skills well.
  4. Another example is that an office worker or someone with an office job will not need muscular development but more development in their brain, perhaps? For a lawyer – the knowledge and practice of Law.
  5. A developing teenager's food requirement differs significantly from that of a person in their seventies. Teenagers will require more food and protein, whereas older people will need less food.
  6. There are different ways to get more energy in other parts of the body – muscle development by training, massage, acupuncture or acupressure to change the energy flow to that part of the body.


The Energy Requirements for a Building

  1. A building with high activity will require a good quantity and quality of energy – like a shopping centre or a sales office.
  2. A building with low activity will not need much energy, but the quality helps – for example – a church, spiritual centre, etc.
  3. Different parts of the building need different quantities of energy. A sales office requires more energy than a restroom; a home office will need more energy than a bedroom.
  4. There are ways to get differing amounts of energy to various places. They can be physical or by the use of the five elements. It just depends on the situation and requirements.


Quantity and Quality

Food for the Human Body:

A person can get nutrition in two different ways.

  1. A considerable amount of poor-quality food – factory-processed- might have many calories but very little nutritional value.
  2. A small amount of food but of high quality – It might not have as many calories, but it has a whole load of nutrients as it is from an organic farm or has traceable origins of quality.


Energy for the Building



Low Energy -- In a desolate spot or an area surrounded by high buildings, trees or hills.

Plenty of Energy – near a fast-flowing river, near open fields with strong winds.


Poor Quality

You can get tremendous poor-quality energy – like from a sewage farm, a rotting compost heap, or a road with regular traffic jams full of stationary vehicles.

Fast-moving energy - Vehicles or trains moving at high speed. This can be next to a highway or a high-speed railway line.

Energy is unsettled- - in a city centre with many tower blocks, and the strong winds develop because of the high-rise buildings.


High Quality

Where the energy moves slowly – by a slow-moving river, in the countryside by a lake or a body of water

The energy is coming from the most auspicious direction (currently, the period energy is coming from the South)




Food for Humans


You can tailor your food to your requirements by preparing the food from first principles. You can vary the quantity, the type, and the quality to suit your particular requirements and needs.


Food for the Building

You can tailor the energy going to your property. Request the help of a traditional feng shui consultant. The consultant can identify the energy flow patterns to improve the energy reaching your property and the distribution within.


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