Kua Numbers (Tai Ji)
Dr. Michael Oon
The Kua are the Trigrams are derived from the Tai Ji. The image below shows the lineage of the formation of the trigrams.
Each of these trigrams or Kua have a name and related properties.
The various Trigrams have different properties – in fact, more than one thousand have been listed. Below is a shortened list I have complied of human characteristics of the Trigrams or Kua Numbers
6 - Qian: Strength and Power; leadership (they want their own way), earning power
7 – Dui: Happy, cheerful, good with communication
9 – Li: Studious, good with food (preparation and eating);
4 – Zhen: Energic, Ambitious but not hit target; anger, frustration
3 – Xun: Good at business dealing, spiritual
1 – Kan: traveller, appearance can be deceptive
2 -Kun: Caring, good with food (preparation and eating)