
Why is Four Pillars of Destiny or Ba Zi so different but so accurate?

mast head timeliness

This method is based on the heavenly stems and earthly branches of the four pillars (year, month, day and date) of the date of birth. The analysis is carried out using the characteristics of the five elements – their interactions and relationships.

The other name is BaZi, or eight characters. This is because each pillar has two characters—one from the heavenly stem and the other from the earthly branch.

The method has the ability to provide a detailed analysis of the person. As in all crafts, it depends on the person providing the analysis.

The features of the method include:

  1. It describes the behavioural and physical characteristics
  2. Has the ability to identify the 10-year phases of the life ahead – is it good, bad or indifferent.
  3. Likely career
  4. Identify the good times and opportunities available.
  5. Identify the bad times; avoid traps, and how to limit obstacles.

The quality and depth of information is dependant on the person who is doing the reading. If a more in-depth reading is required, the method – Da LiuRen can be used.,

Why is BaZi different from Astrology and Horoscopes readings.


It is believed that the planets’ respective positions in space affect human affairs and natural Earthly phenomena.


It is more of a chart or diagram that uses astrology concepts. They serve as guides for people on how they should act or behave. To some degree, it also helps to foretell some parts of one’s future.

Vedic Astrology.

It uses the 12 signs of the Vedic zodiac, which is similar to that in western astrology. However, it uses a different calendar, and there is more emphasis on one’s karma. Vedic astrology tends to provide an insight into one’s life path and reveal the person’s innate gifts and challenges.

Chinese Astrology.

This is the 12 animal zodiac found in the Chinese Calendar. The prediction made is based on the interaction of the zodiac animal against the earthly branch of the year.

This method is ideal for trivial analysis as it is simple and a good point of conversation. It is very much like the newspaper horoscopes.

ZiWei DouShu.

Commonly known as Purple Star Astrology and the standard of information is comparable to Bazi. It is based on the Lunar Calendar. It is closely intertwined with astronomy. The reading is based on the position stars of the night sky,

A comparison of ZiWei DouShu and Bazi.

The former is akin to playing the piano. It can provide many bits of information, like the keys on a piano. It includes information like where and when but does not provide the depth. Bazi is like playing the violin. Both have four strings or pillars but, you can get the depth of tone or information by playing well.

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