
Feng Shui - Triple Gate Formula


This method by Lin Yun was the start of - “Contemporary Western Feng Shui”.

Wealth & Prosperity Fame & Reputation Love & Marriage
Health & Ancestors Health & Centre Children & Creativity
Knowledge & Self Cultivation Career & Life Path Helpful People & Travel
These sectors face the front of the property

This is a grid of 9 equal squares. Each square has a different but unique characteristic. 

The Method:

To use this method, you lay this grid over the entire property with the “Knowledge & Self Cultivation, Career & Life Path, Helpful People & Travel” squares in the direction of the front door or the front of the property.

The characteristic of each sector is labelled. The relevant activities should be carried out in these areas.

To get the best out of this formula, the property involved had to be regular or rectangular.

Properties with missing areas do not have the characteristics of that sector.

For example – if the property has a missing sector in the top right when you lay the grid over the floor plan, it does not have the luck for “Love and Marriage”.

This method was popularized by the New Age movement, which added new interpretations to this simple and basic formula.

When used personally by Lin Yun, he said there was a spiritual dimension to the method.

There have been subsequent interpretations of this basic formula which has, in a number of cases, is totally unrecognisable from this originally published formula.


This method does not involve the basic tenets of Feng Shui or the Chinese Five Arts.

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