
Feng Shui of the Open Plan Living Room - Location


The Open Plan Living Room is, in most cases, the largest room in the property. In multi-floor properties, it would literally occupy the majority of the floor area. It would most likely be on the ground floor (North American 1st Floor).

In the house, there should be a separate door to the open room; the main door should not open directly to this room. If the main door opens directly to this open room, all the incoming energy would go to the open room and very little will flow to the rest of the property.

Usually, the Open Plan Living Room covers the three main rooms – the living room, dining room and kitchen.

Kitchen Area:

Of the three rooms, the kitchen is the most complex part and the location the most demanding.

  1. The kitchen area must not be in the North West Sector or the Centre of the house and of the Open Plan Living Room. The clash of elements (Fire and yang Metal)
  2. It is preferred that the kitchen is not located in the South (Fire Element) and the North (Water Element)
  3. The cooking area, particularly the cooker (the hob) and the ovens, should not be beneath a bathroom or bedroom.
  4. Toilets or bathrooms must not open directly to the cooking area (health and Feng Shui).

The relative locations of the three rooms

The Living Room is the most Yang of these rooms. The kitchen is the most yin.

Therefore, the most appropriate location for the living area is the front of the property (if possible) and the kitchen area at the back. The dining area is the interconnection.

The kitchen should not be located outside the property, even at the rear of the property. The kitchen is too yin for the outdoors. However, it can be a supplementary or outdoor kitchen for outdoor events or cooking like barbeques or grilling.

Doors to the Open Plan Living Room

The kitchen should not be located near the entrance to the Open Plan Living Room main door. However, the kitchen area can have convenient access to the back or secondary door.

Ideal Location of the Open Plan Living Room

Ideally, the living area should be at the front of the property, with the dining area behind. The Kitchen area should be at the rear. The kitchen area is in the quieter area or Yin area.




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