
Will Brighton be as popular as ever? A Feng Shui Analysis

Brighton sea front
A view of Brighton’s seafront.


Brighton is a seaside resort on the South Coast of England. It is about 50 miles from London.

It became a popular destination for day-trippers in the 1840s with the arrival of the railways.

Brighton is a city beside the sea. On the land side, there is the South Downs. It is a range of hills that protects it from the winds from the North. As a result, Brighton has a micro-climate of its own.

Brighton is probably the only town on the South Coast (other than Bournemouth) that is doing well. The other seaside towns like Lewes, Eastbourne, Margate are struggling.

Brighton is known as UK’s “Happiest Place to Live”, “the unofficial gay capital” and many others.

Currently, Brighton is experiencing an extremely prosperous time.

It is difficult to find any accommodation. There are queues to buy or to rent any property.

It is vibrant because of Tourism (day-trippers, short term stays), hospitality and events. Over 20,000 people are employed in this sector. There is also a large private sector - American Express is the largest employer, a football club (Brighton and Hove Albion) in the Premier League, Conference Centre, a marina and easy access to Gatwick Airport.

A new tourist attraction is the British Airways i360 – a 162 m high observation tower.

The I360 observation tower in Brighton

Why is it prosperous when other towns on the coast are not?

Feng Shui Analysis

In feng shui, there is a 180-year cycle comprising nine 20 year cycles. Each cycle is known as a Period. Each Period has predominant energy coming from a particular direction.

In the years 2004 to 2024, known as Period 8, the auspicious energy is from the Northeast. When this energy reaches a town or city, there is growth and prosperity.

So, how does the energy from the Northeast direction reach Brighton when there is the South Downs protecting it from the North.

Simple. There is a road, the A270, which cuts through the hills in a Northeast direction.

brighton 1
Google Earth Image of Brighton and surrounds; the red arrow shows the road where the energy from the Northeast flows to Brighton.


This energy reaches Brighton, and it reaches the sea. This energy is then trapped within the beach and the hills. It is an energy trap. Hence the prosperity of the city.

What happens after 2024?

Between 2024 to 2044, known as Period 9, the predominant energy comes from the South.

The energy comes from the direction of the sea.

It passes Brighton city, but it is held by the hills of South Downs.

Therefore, Brighton remains an energy trap.

This means that the prosperity of Brighton will continue to say 2050.

Brighton will remain a prosperous centre for the foreseeable future.

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