
The Feng Shui Consultation


Why have a feng shui consultation?

To enhance your life –

  • Looking for a partner
  • Household haemorrhaging money

To solve your problems –

  • Finding a job
  • Help to get clients after losing all clients

To help you make decisions -

  • Offered an adjacent building to an existing business

To minimise risk –

  • Working with an architect in the renovation of an existing building

What feng shui cannot do:

  • Harmony in the home - a family with a parent whose character is very aggressive and fault finding.
  • To provide a harmonious life for the husband. He has 2 wives in 2 different homes and they do not get along.

Why have a feng shui consultation; there is information is in books, magazines and internet for free?

Feng Shui has become my life’s study - to understand, interpret and implement it correctly. From my experience, I know what works and what is suitable for the person with the property. I have a track record of my work and a reputation to keep.

Yes, there is a lot of information in the books and internet. Have the authors verified the feng shui information that they have written? Have they added their spin to the source information or book? Secondly, when you go through this information, sometimes there is contradictory, which one do you select? The first one or what you feel most comfortable with? Will it work?

Once you have selected the method, you will have to interpret the text. Further contradictions might appear.  

You pay your money and make your choice.

Selecting a feng shui consultation

There are many feng shui consultants listed on the internet. There are some who offer services which, in my opinion, have practises that do not originate from China or the Far East.

Dowsing - It originated in Western Europe and more information can be obtained from British Dowsers.

Space clearing – More information can be obtained from Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers.

There is a listing of feng shui consultants with the Feng Shui Society. The society provides an accreditation for people who pay to join the society. Standards of practice can be variable but, it provides you with a starting point.

The process of arranging the feng shui consultation:

From the initial contact with the client, a discussion is made with the client on the aims and objectives of the consultation. A check on Google Earth of the location of the property and possible energy flows in the neighbourhood.

The dates of birth of the principles are requested. This provides a check on feng shui compatibility.

The procedure

There are a number of different procedures depending on the type and purpose of the consultation. This is an example of a residential property. Essentially it is about tracking the energy flows from the external environment, getting this energy into the property and distributing internally.

An example of a residential feng shui consultation procedure?

  1. An analysis of the energy flows around the neighbourhood – where does the energy come from and how does it get into the property. Can we get more energy into the property? What are the characteristics of this energy?
  2. Analysis on where the energy is distributed internally – does it reach the important areas? Also, to minimise the loss of energy from the property.
  3. Remedy the energy flows where necessary.
  4. Are you sleeping well? Check on the bedroom.
  5. Check on the living areas (sitting and dining rooms), kitchen and bathrooms
  6. Do the residents get the best energies available in the house?
  7. Arrangement of the furniture to get better distribution of the internal energy.
  8. Feng Shui is about harmonising the people and the property. It is to get the best of the property for you.
  9. I concentrate on the flow of energy. It is not about the “prosperous” or “good” locations in the property.
  10. I also look at the leakage of this energy. This can make the biggest change in the outcome of the consultation

Recommendations in my feng shui consultations

My recommendations are practical, achievable and utilises what there is available. It could be the addition of plants or rearranging a bookshelf. It is not about knocking down of walls, tilting of doors, re-painting the walls with many different colours. I have never recommended moving out of the house.

An email of the main points of the consultation is then provided.



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