
Effective Feng Shui

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Feng Shui is effective when

  1. You get advice from a reputable feng shui consultant who recommends the implementation of established methods in your property.
  2.  You implement the advice following the instructions of the consultant.
  3. You continue to work towards your goal. Feng Shui is to help you achieve your goals faster and easier. In other words, you need to continue to work. If you stop working, you will not achieve the goal. It is as simple as that. You cannot get something for nothing.

For example:

You want a relationship and after the implementation of the recommendations, you have to go out to meet people either personally or through the internet. If you do not take any action, you will not get any results.

Feng Shui is there to help you achieve your goals faster and easier. But you have to put the effort in.

If you do not want to do any work but you want to get more wealth, try the lottery. To have a chance in winning some of the prizes, you have to make some effort. You need to purchase lottery tickets.





Links to Reviews of Various Feng Shui Topics

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Feng Shui for Kitchen (An Overview)

Feng Shui for Open Plan Living Room (An Overview)

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