
Date Selection for Auspicious Timings - The Secret of Success?


The Chinese have a tradition of looking at the calendar for auspicious timings. Previously it was on little tear-off sheets but now online.

On either side of the date, there are lists of auspicious and inauspicious activities.

The Chinese have historically sought auspicious days to carry out particular activities. Oracle bone scripts have been found to support this notion. Over the ages, auspicious timings were further developed with the Han Dynasty (207-220AD) and various Chinese Dynasties.

Auspicious Timing is a proactive method of getting the expected result. The divination method – Tai Yi, Da Liu Ren are methods that predict the future. They are passive. Auspicious timings are used to the best time (Day and Time) to start a task or project with the best possible result or to prevent problems from arising. QiMen DunJia is a unique method. It can predict the time and location (or compass direction) for achieving the objective or a positive result.

The art of Auspicious Timings grew to a very sophisticated and reproducible method in the Qing dynasty (1644 -1911 AD). These methods are complicated and put the person in the centre of the calculations. There are a number of systems to make the calculations. They have their strengths and weaknesses. The analyst would need to find out precisely the purpose of the auspicious timings so that you can be fitting into the bigger picture.

It is the final result that matters.  

There are various sources of free auspicious timing – like the Farmers Calendar. The calculations are generic and, in my opinion, equivalent to the Newspaper listing of the Chinese Zodiac or Horoscopes.

The bespoke calculations for auspicious timings are very useful for one-time events where failure is not an option. As it is a one-time event, it is always best to go for the most suitable.

  • Weddings are the start of a marriage – it is a commitment for life
  • Moving to a new property is an expensive purchase.
  • Opening of a hotel, shop or office.
  • Birth of a Baby by C-Section – an auspicious start to life.
  • Start of a big project – success has to be the final result.
  • Ground digging for a construction project – these projects are full of obstacles.
  • A big Event – there is nothing worse than a failure in front of guests
  • Major Surgery – for a successful outcome.

Auspicious timing is about getting the start of your project the best possible start for the best possible result.

An Introduction to Chinese Calendar and related systems

The Chinese Calendar: A brief history and interesting facts

The 60-year Calendar – the original one?

The Thousand-Year Calendar - the sophisticated one?

Chinese Zodiac – Some interesting Facts


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