
Feng Shui Audits – Residential and Commercial Properties


Holiday villa Feng Shui

Adam and Jane wanted to sell their house and move to Spain to start a new life. Adam had to retire early as he had faced an allegation of child molestations. With his repetition tarnished, they grew a series of conifer trees along the boundary of their house to protect or hide from the outside world. The house was repainted in dark colours and had a number of depressing images. They drew up plans to go to Spain for a new beginning. They wanted to start a service for the elderly British residents in a popular retirement resort. This plan hinged on them selling their house. This house was on the market for 3 years and the asking price had dropped considerably.

Jane had quite a number of unusual activities. She had the ashes of her mother and father in urns by the bedside. Every night, she would speak to them, usually narrating the day’s incidences to them.

Our recommendations

  1. To cut down and preferably remove the tall conifer trees. These tress do not let the energy get into the property as well as blocking the sunlight.
  2. Repaint the house to a light and cheerful colour like white or magnolia. Have decorations that are uplifting.
  3. Move the urns with the ashes outside the house. Ashes are not meant to be in a living house, especially in the bedroom. It was suggested that she sprinkle the ashes in the garden.
  4. When completed, a date was given for the house to be put on the market at 10% above the advice of the estate agent.


They had an offer for the property within 2 weeks. The transaction was completed in 6 weeks. They received their asking price with a request to complete early.

Adam and Jane have re-settled in Spain and have set up a small business helping the British residents there – taking customers to shop, medical appointments, minor DIY jobs etc. They give joy to these people who are far away from their families.

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  1. For 4000+ years feng shui has been used to help people thrive in different environments. Modern feng shui has been used to boost careers, improve health and personal success

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