
What are the Basics of Feng Shui?

feng shui work from home

Dr. Michael Oon

Dr Michael Oon has been a Feng Shui consultant since the early 1990's. Discover how he can transform your surroundings - and your life.
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There are three necessary elements – People, Buildings and Energy in the Environment.

Then there are two more concepts on top of this energy.

Ying and Yang. This is the concept of duality. The world is not about extremes. It is a balance of Ying and Yang.

The Five Elements. The five elements are water, wood, fire, earth, metal. The elements are interrelated by their productive, reductive and destructive cycles.

The aim of Feng Shui is to identify the Energy flow in the environment and direct it to the property. The more energy there is, the better the outcomes for the people living or working on the property.

The energy has specific properties – the quality of the Energy changes with time and compass direction. Its flow is determined by the landscape surrounding the property.

The better the quality of the energy, which results in a better outcome for the people.


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